French Translation

Market Research Translation

Market Research Translation

Market research is the activity that involves gathering information about consumer’s tastes and preferences. Businesses use this information to improve their production of goods and services that consumers are likely to purchase. That’s why you need the best Market Research Translation.

To be able to gather the most information from the consumers, the language used should be clear and understandable by the consumer. In Dubai, the language that is majorly spoken is Arabic and English. But there are also other languages like French, German, Mandarin Chinese, and many others.

For your business to thrive and be on top of others, you need to convince your consumers about your product in a language that they can understand. And for this reason, French Translation is here at your service to offer you the market research translation services that you need. French Translation can translate your business information into most of the languages that are commonly spoken in Dubai.

French translation provides creative marketing services of the following documents;
  • Company profiles
  • Brochures
  • Product profiles
  • Promotional materials
  • Leaflets
  • Newsletters
  • Pamphlets
  • Media advertisement
  • Websites and blogs
  • Social media posts

How marketing translation is done

The marketing world is highly competitive and each company seeks to present itself in the best way possible to increase its market share. The content that the company uses in its advertising material is a reflection of its professionalism. And this constitutes the first impression of the potential consumer regarding your product and services.

If you are targeting foreign consumers, then you should your content language is at par with the language that those foreigners are speaking. You need to therefore choose a professional market research translation company that will provide you with the best market research translation services.

We at Active French Translation Services, not only translate your content to the language that your targeted consumers understand, but we also customize it to fit their linguistic and cultural aspects, customs, and interests.

We do check word by word and we can also delete or add some words and phrases that make sense as long the original content is not tempered with. We make sure that the translated content maintains the same meaning and emotions that perfectly target the right consumers.

Why choose us?

French translations offer high-quality services.  Our main aim is to ensure that clients get the best as far as quality is concerned.  We are happy when your business succeeds, and this is why we are always available when you are looking for translation services.  We not only offer our market research translation in the UAE but in other areas as well.

Our company also boats highly trained and experienced translation professionals. Our dedicated team of experts will make sure that you receive great services and handle each customer in a good way. Additionally, we provide services to our customers daily to allow for every customer to serve well.

Over the years, we have been providing quality market research services to our customers. And from what we have observed over the years, the number of customers seeking our translation services has been rising. This has made us proud and we endeavor to provide high-quality translation services to our customers. We are very committed to our work and this has put us on top of other translation companies.

When it comes to cost, we are very friendly with our charges. We provide prices that our customers can afford. Since we are a certified translation company, our customers will find us legit and therefore willing to seek services from us. We know it can be very difficult for new customers because of so many available translation companies that are found in Dubai. But as here, we assure you that you will get the value for your money.

We deliver the final translated work to our customers as stipulated in our policy. We do not entertain lateness but rather we value punctuality. French Translations also offers free revisions. As they say, the human is to error. Therefore if by any chance there was an error during the translation of the document, our company will be liable for that and a revision will be done without charging an extra penny to our customer.

Importance of market research translation

1. It builds the image of the business

Market research translation has enabled the most business to be known to the consumers as they help advertise their portfolio.

2. It improves sales

By translating your market content, most of the business has recorded improved sales because their targeted consumers have understood what the content about their products and services


Market research translation has helped most business in Dubai to thrive and make more sales. Dubai hosts different people from different nations who speak a different language. Thus for any business to make more profit, it needs to have its content translated to a language that each consumer can understand.