French Translation

Mistakes we make while choosing the right FRENCH TRANSLATION OFFICE.

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Choose the French translation office is the most crucial part of achieving success and getting the desired returns on investment. We have highlighted some critical mistakes that people make when choosing for French translation office.

Do not hire a company that has experience. Make sure the French translation in Dubai you are hiring has years of translation experience. Several people and companies are doing the translation, but you should hire one with French translation experience.

Don’t check the references. The worst thing you can do is not check the references of the people you will hire. A simple check of their references will often show their credibility, trustworthiness, and if they have worked as translators before.

Placing an order with a translation company that does not have any examples to show. Any professional French translation service worth its weight in gold will have samples to showcase their work.

Forget asking about proofreading before translation. Each project should be reviewed for errors before translation. Make sure the company you hire includes it.

Do not forget to include references in the order. If the translation doesn’t have the right piece to translate, they won’t have what they need. This only applies if they don’t have the file to translate directly.

Don’t forget to ask if they can handle the file format. The company should be able to provide its services in the file format supplied by you.

Don’t make the mistake of not asking about the translator’s style. Each translator has a style that differs from one to the other. You need to make sure that the type of translator you choose is by your work.

Make sure you have proper communication with your translation company. That way, if something comes up, you can reach out to them and fix the problem.

Also, be sure to ask about grammar. Many translators can translate perfectly, but the translated piece may have such bad grammar that Google won’t index it at all.

Make sure they also check the documents for copied material. They should run it through Copyscape or a similar quality originality program.

It seems redundant, but remember to ask them to run the spell checker. Those misspellings can prevent a site from being properly indexed on Google and even negatively affect your brand.

Do not forget that translation can involve changes in a sentence. This is due to the differences between Spanish and other languages. Do not judge the translator because he is doing his job, but observe his work to analyze the differences.

Don’t forget to ask about the payment. Some translation companies expect the money upfront and may prevent you from getting a refund if you don’t like the translator’s job.

Be sure to ask about work deadlines. You don’t want to use a translation business that takes an eternity to accomplish your project.

Ensure that the professional translation service will continue to offer its services for future work without any setbacks.

Therefore, the next time you choose a French translation Dubai service for your company, make sure to avoid all the mistakes mentioned above for best results.

As in any other industry, care must be taken when hiring a professional French translation in Dubai. You want to make sure you’re not only getting top-notch service and meeting your needs but also getting the best value for your money.

Here are a couple of mistakes that could get you out of such an advantageous position quickly.

1. Choose wisely

Giving your work to an unqualified translation team is the most significant error you can make. No matter how you look at it, there is a tendency for these people to do you more harm than good at the end of the day.

Before putting a translation agency in charge of your project, you must:

  • Take a look at their website
  • Check if the agency is certified to work in that capacity (ISO 9001 certification, etc.)
  • Request a test translation
  • Check references and customer testimonials

2. Know what you need

Before going to a translation agency, you must know precisely what you need. This is the best way to ensure that you have those needs communicated so that they can be met. Otherwise, you might be left with a mediocre service that you won’t be able to use.

So, take the time to:

  • Decide in how many languages you want the translation
  • How quickly do you need the translation?
  • What exactly needs to be translated (images with text, text only, etc.)
  • Additional elements in your document (charts, tables, graphs, etc.) and
  • Desktop publishing needs (layout) (ex: Adobe InDesign for catalogues and brochures, WordPress for websites, etc.)

3. Get a quote and confirmation in writing

There must be at least one email confirming the translation project with the translation agency you have chosen. This will help both parties, make it easier to obtain reviews (where necessary), and exercise all other rights that you might otherwise lose.

Also, a written quote will help clarify if additional charges apply that were not specified in the original agreement.

We do not recommend agreeing on anything by word of mouth, as such agreements tend to be open to interpretation.

A well-detailed description of the service you wish to obtain from the translation agency.

The expiration date of the project and Project costs.

4. Ask for references

A common mistake clients make is assuming that all translators can handle all translation jobs. The truth is that you can only get the best results if the translator is familiar with the subject your document is based on.

Be it marketing, health, politics, business or any other area of expertise; you will do better with a translation agency with experience in that territory. This is how you get specialized services instead of generic delivery.

5. Never choose the cheapest quote

Good translation services shouldn’t put a dent in your pocket, but many people are still looking for the cheapest service. It’s no wonder they get cheap or very bad translations.

When you look at quotes from reputable translation agencies, you’re not just looking at the price of that service. Part of that price is for the confidence you can have in them to deliver once you pay.

They have gone through rigorous processes of hiring qualified translators to handle your project with a high degree of detail, and you are getting excellent service.


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